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    Credibility Clues

    In this activity, you will learn to assess the *credibility* of information sources.
    You will collaborate digitally with a partner to write a *fake* news article intended to trick a reader into believing something that isn’t true.
    Then, you will share your article with others and in return, look for clues that their article is fake.
    It is easy to find information about nearly anything on the internet.
    But not all information is reliable, current, balanced, or true.
    Some sites share false information.
    Others are specifically designed to trick people.
    Each time you use the internet, you will need to evaluate sources for *credibility* so you won’t be fooled by false or misleading information.
    A *credible* source is one that is accurate and trustworthy.
    Check out a fake article like the one you and a partner will write.
    You might find something like this on a website that is *not* credible.
    In every source you see and read online, there are clues about credibility.
    Right away, you may notice that the headline makes a claim that seems too good to be true.
    Investigate further: Who wrote this article?
    Where are they from?
    And how credible is that source?
    A quick internet search shows that there is no such author or place. That should sound alarm bells!
    What is the purpose or intent of the source?
    Read closely.
    This article wants the reader to submit personal information, another red flag that it might not be a credible source.
    When was this source written?
    This article is pretty old.
    Even if it was a credible source at one time, the information may be outdated or no longer relevant.
    Where does this source get its information?
    It’s unclear from the article.
    There are no citations or links to real data.
    Can you find similar claims in other sources?
    Search the internet to try and verify these facts.
    No results appear to confirm these claims.
    Why did the author write this?
    This article tries to persuade a reader to click on a link.
    It is not intended to inform or educate readers.
    Asking yourself questions like “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” and “why” helps you evaluate the credibility of websites.
    Now, get ready to write your own fake article that is intended to *deceive* readers.
    To get started, stay seated at your own computer, but check to make sure you know who your partner is.
    You or your partner will create *one* document that you will both use.
    Decide who will create the document.
    Then, from a new tab or window, select Drive.
    Create a new, blank document, and name it “Fake Article.” Next, *share* the document with your partner.
    Click “Share,” and type in their email address.
    If your partner shared the document with you, open it from your own computer.
    From a new tab or window, open Drive.
    Then, locate and open the file from the files shared with you.
    Then, move on to the next activity to select a topic for your fake article.
    Now, it’s your turn: Decide who will create the document.
    Create *one* new document that both you *and* your partner will use.
    Share the document with the other partner.
    If your partner shared the document with you, open it at your own computer.
    Then, move on to the next video.
    1. Decide who will create the document.
    2. Create ONE new document.
    3. Share the document with the other partner
    4. If your partner shared the document with you, open if at your own computer.