Applied Digital Skills PART 8
Unit Wrap
Congratulations on creating an original interactive story!
In this unit you: brainstormed story ideas, collaborated digitally in Google Slides, and added images and other design elements to support your story.
Take a look at how the team behind the animated story “Rain or Shine” created a different kind of interactive story using “360” technology.
Each person moves their smartphone around to see different parts of the setting and follows the main character as she travels through town.
The design team for “Rain or Shine” collaborated in the same ways you did for your interactive story.
Large, complex projects require input and skills from lots of different people.
This project used animators, writers, graphic designers, coders, engineers, and producers to create the story.
Consider your own skills, interests, and strengths, and keep them in mind when you start a new project.
Knowing these can help you be a more effective team member.
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