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The developing world’s women and girls stand on the cusp of a profound possibility to improve, and even transform, their lives. A call to action Doubling the number of women online within three years is an eminently achievable goal, but it cannot be done alone. Capturing that opportunity will require commitments to action across the private, public and civil society sectors. To help them, stakeholders must put the Internet within their grasp by making it more accessible, affordable, convenient, secure, and engaging for them. The effort will require stakeholders to collaborate and leverage one another’s strengths. 

The following recommendations would address the barriers to access and increased usage identified in this study. They are based on existing actions which work well and could be scaled and replicated, proposals of experts in gender and ICT, and, in some cases, on the suggestions of women and girls who participated in our survey. These recommendations cover a range of interventions from skills and leadership training, to social empowerment, to research and data gathering. Success requires recommendations be tailored to each country context in their implementation, and is contingent on coordinated and collaborative action across the public and private sectors.